
Frequent questions

Can a Patient request a service without being registered first?

No. All patients must download the mobile app via the mobile app stores and register from our website: or directly via the mobile app before using our services

Can I use Asterisco Medico if I have no Social Secure or a Health Care Associated company?

Yes, the options are:

  • Monthly Subscription: It is the most recommended as the prices are cheaper and include a number of benefits in the package per family group (One free doctor videoconference per family group).
  • Pay per Service: You can pay for every professional videoconference on your own

Can I use Asterisco Medico services if I am foreign?

Yes, you can register and start using a subscription program or pay per service option. The subscription option is the most recommended due to attractive prices.

Can I register people on my account?

Yes, you can register people controlled by your account , family group for example

Can children be registered in Asterisco Medico?

Yes, children can only be registered and controlled by an adult person account, responsible for the kids

In the case of the children, the credentials to be used are associated to the adult account: email and mobile phone number

The video sessions for children are only feasible under the adult account and main user

The adults that belong to a family group can have their own credential accesses?

Yes, the adults that belong to a family group may have their own access credentials. To do such , it must be indicated that this adult will not be controlled by the Main user and the system will accept to enter its own email and mobile phone number

How can I solve the access when I don´t remember my password?

You can select the option remember the password, available at the login screen

The system will send an email that will arrived to the registered email with the access credentials information.

What happens in case the password reminder email or the welcome email does not arrive?

The emails sent by the platform may suffer delays under certain situations due to internet or destination email servers wrong conditions

In case the email does not arrive immediately, wait some seconds till minutes, check all email accounts carefully looking at all email folders, verify that the email address is not associated as an spam email address (in such case mark it as a valid email address or delete it from the spam list)

If the email does not arrive after that, try again the option to remember the password.

If the email never arrives please contact Asterisco Medico Staff using the contact information available in our website:

Once the video session has already being paid, can I cancel it?

The session can be cancelled. Anyhow remember that there will not be any payment refund

Be sure that the scheduled video session has been used after the payment is done

Should I wait with my mobile phone on hands after the immediate video session has already been scheduled?

No, if you have already scheduled the immediate video session, the professional on duty will call you in a while and you will receive a notification and a call tone. You only need to wait till the notification and the call

The system will tell you about the average waiting time

What happens in case the professional calls you and you cannot answer the call?

The professional will try reach you later on.

In case after the second call you do not answer, then the session will be declared as finished

What type of data network connection do I need in my mobile phone?

The minimum requirements are a good data network , or WiFi o Mobile Data connection (4G. Under 3G or 2G might be feasible but likely with degraded video or no video at all, allowing only audio or chat with the professional). It is recommended to use a private network with enough bandwidth resources

Very important: It is recommended to use the service under a private data network with very good bandwidth and quality using the PC or the mobile phone, with good lights and low noise, in order that the session can be achieved with good quality and performance.

What types of health symptoms can be treated?

Asterisco Medico service is recommended for low complexity and primary health care cases,i.e. orientative queries that do not replace your preferred professional, professional on duty or the emergency services.

Asterisco Medico is not an emergency service. If the user is under an emergency you must call the emergency services available in your city/country during 24hs

Diagnoses that can be taken care by Asterisco Medico:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Tips to stop smoking and lose weight
  • Pre-travel queries to both national and international destinations
  • Queries for prevention (eg Vaccines, Medication: dosage, indications and contraindications, adverse effects, etc.)
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Rashes
  • Flu
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Pediatric problems of low complexity cases
  • Cold
  • Sinusitis
  • Vomiting

Diagnoses that can not be taken care by Asterisco Medico:

  • Heart or brain affections
  • Severe body extremities conditions
  • Preparation of Medical Certificates / Physical Fitness
  • Seizures / Epilepsy
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • Poisoning
  • Events that are considered an emergency, urgencies or a serious case
  • Hemorrhage or significant bleeding
  • Serious injuries to the head, neck or back
  • Symptoms of life risk or that may cause deterioration of the person
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Moderate to severe burns

What happens in the communication fall?

In case the communication quality or connection is bad and session ends automatically, the professional can call the patient again to finish the session

It is recommended to look for a place with very good data quality WiFi or 4G to guarantee the quality of the communication

Is it mandatory to provided an evaluation of the professional at the end of the session?

It is not mandatory but recommended to evaluate the quality of service

We suggest to add comments apart from the evaluation

Can I have access to notes, prescriptions and receipes the professional has sent?

All information sent by the professional during and after the session are available for the patient accessing the session details

Can I choose the professional for scheduled sessions?

Yes, You can choose the Professional or look for professionals that meet the desired needs: profession, specialty, location, ranking.

Can I choose the professional for immediate calls?

No, you can´t choose the professional when you need an immediate attention.

Can I reschedule a scheduled session?

Yes, the sessions can be rescheduled